Core Values



Harmony is the bedrock of our organization. We strive to be in harmony in everything we do, and with everyone we work with. Harmony eases tension, fosters connectivity, and don’t it just make you feel good.



Human beings are creative naturally. We don’t stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing. Therefore, we make it our beeswax to highlight the importance of play, discovery, and intuition in our work with students.


It’s a simple concept but we hold it dear. Treat others as you would like to be treated. And if you’ve got to deliver some tough love: kill ‘em with kindess.



We believe in the power of community to support, uplift, and give a sense of purpose. We love our Detroit community, and we are passionate about investing in our student and school communities.


We facilitate music classes, but our students walk away with much more than chops. We give people time to talk, to think, to process, and to respond. Heartbeat deals intimately with the heart — what keeps it happy, and what keeps it healthy.


Keeping it Real

We don’t fake the funk. We know that genuine expression leads to authentic connection.